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PASSARO’s developments were presented at international conferences

2019 jul 15

In the last weeks the activities developed under the PASSARO project have been highlighted in several conferences around the Europe. ISQ and INEGI were in Ponte de Sôr (Portugal) on 30th May, in the French Riviera from June 17th to 19th and in Vigo (Spain), on July 5th.

In Ponte de Sôr, at Portugal Air Summit, ISQ presented a talk titled “Testing Optimization of Airframes to HIRF and LS E3 Using Electromagnetic Simulation Tools”, in the scope of the Workshop for Global Sustainability. As a result of the work carried out, they have advanced that the use of VC methods allows to: determine worst case test scenarios to confirm in physical testing; optimize the test setup configuration, in particular CRN design; determine the most susceptible areas of the A/C to consider for physical testing; to realize that the relation between measurement and simulation is good; and shorten duration and costs of physical test campaigns.

In the same context ISQ also presented the talk "Advanced Composites for Multirole Applications in Aeronautics – Project PASSARO ". They approached the usage of new multifunctional composites to improve strength, toughness and impact resistance, and to reduce weight of airframes, vibrations from power plants and cabin noise in both cost and time to implement.

At National Congress of Composite Materials (MatComp), in Vigo, INEGI addressed the work carried out in the scope of same PASSARO’s work package. They presented the composite alternatives that are being evaluated as a substitute for the current aluminum solution for impact protection in an airplane cockpit: a fiber laminate solution made of aluminium and Dyneema, and another solution made of carbon fibers impregnated with an epoxy resin doped with carbon nanotubes.

From June 17th to 19th INEGI was at the IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation, in the French Riviera, to present the communication “Multidimensional Design Assessment Model for ecoefficiency and efficiency in aeronautical assembly processes”. They approached a novel framework, the Multidimensional Design Assessment Model, which encompasses a multi-criteria approach to efficiency, eco-efficiency and costs assessment for a given design system in aeronautical industry production. Based on two methodologies: Multi-Layer Stream Mapping, for efficiency assessment based on Lean Principles, and ecoPROSYS, for eco-efficiency assessment. A real example was given to demonstrate the approach, for the assembly of aircraft structure (Horizontal Tale Plane).